25 Apr 2019



he 7th Invest in Turkey Forum took place in London Waldorf Hilton Hotel on April 25th. Sincere gratitude of thanks goes out to our Gold sponsors DENTONS and Balcıoğlu Selçuk Akman Keki Attorney Partnership (“BASEAK”) – Bronze Sponsors BTYZEREN GROUP – Exhibitors London Bridge Project and EY.

We also want to thank for the success our co-hosts: The British Chamber of Commerce Turkey (BCCT) and Department for International Trade British Consulate-General (DIT) and  26th partners -Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry and TUSIAD media partners TEBANEWS, TECH UK, Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group.

The forum brought together key players across a variety of industry sectors including investors, financial intermediaries and policymakers to discuss, debate and analyse the opportunities for private sector investments within the current economic climate.

Our Chairman of the day, BCCT Chairman – Chris Gaunt (Turkey) and the UK Trade Envoy Rt Hon Lord Janvrin opened the conference after which, Necmetting Kaymaz delivered an economic outlook of Turkey – an essential data for investors of developers.  Director of London branch of TUSIAD, Hasan Turunç, ended the morning session by explaining the audience UK-Turkey relations in the face of Brexit. Main concerns addressed were related to questions: what are there steps to be taken by Turkey and the UK in March 2019 to facilitate a trade? Any bilateral agreement which may be agreed outside the EU and how will the modernisation of the Customs Union can affect  England-Turkey relations.
The session titled Investment Environment and Infrastructure Sector View was moderated by Murat Özdemir. Sule Kılıç, Mehmet Sami, Simten Öztürk and Ian McGrath were guests.

In the field of healthcare opportunities and healthcare investments, the sessions were moderated by Basak Ünalan from Bloomberg HT. Pietro Crescini, Idil Gursel and Barry Francis were invited as panellists to the debate. The first-handed experience on recent projects developments, financing mechanisms available and challenges faced were disused. BCCT Chairman Chris Gaunt, who hosted the sessions, reminded the guests that Acıbadem Sigorta is being sold to the British Bupa Group and that such opportunities are of interest to investors.

Daily Sabah- Klaus Jurgens moderated the session on Renewable Energy Generation and opportunities. The session was attended by Anduvap Servet Akgun, Sule Kılıç, Yasemin Kuytak.

The closing session covered Opportunities in Transport Infrastructure. Murat Kosal, Deputy General Manager of Otoyol A.Ş., one of the sponsors of the event, made an exclusive presentation about Gebze-İzmir Highway Project. Followed by ‘ Turkey sustainable financing of transport infrastructure’ debate, moderated by Marti Balamir, and participated by Tunca Ataoğlu, Ashley Blows, Tamsyn Mileham, and Müfit Arapoğlu, the conference day ended with the networking drink reception.


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